Manufacturing & Virtual Product Development

SGI delivers a unified compute and storage solution to our manufacturing customers that reduces overall system management requirements and costs as well as simplifies data management and archival needs. With expertise in all the major Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) applications including ANSYS®'s Fluent, Mechanical and HFSS; MSC Software's Nastran; CD-adapco's STAR-CCM+®; LSTC's LS-DYNA®; OpenFOAM® and SIMULIA's Abaqus FEA®, SGI has delivered innovative CAE solutions to companies such as 3M, Škoda Auto, SL-Rasch and many others.
With our flexible x86-based server portfolio, customers can scale effortlessly to meet their compute and I/O requirements as they evolve. The SGI® UV™ solutions provide the only single node, cache-coherent shared memory platform that can start small, and grow seamlessly as your needs increase. Built with Intel® Xeon® processors E5 family, SGI UV 3000 is capable of consolidating the entire CAE workflow onto a single platform. SGI® ICE™ and SGI® Rackable® servers provide best of breed cluster computing. And finally, SGI® InfiniteStorage™ provides the ability to store and access the vast amount of engineering data created by these CAE bandwidth-intensive applications.
Computational Fluid Dynamics is a time-consuming and performance-intensive activity. The large global shared-memory of architecture of the SGI® UV® product line delivers the scalability and performance required of complex physical modeling that includes multi-phase flows, chemistry, combustion, and spray. The SGI® ICE servers deliver unmatched memory bandwidth for cluster performance and superior configuration flexibility for both capacity and capability.
The SGI UV and SGI ICE servers running on industry standard Linux® operating systems dominate real-world application tests and provide options for complex simultions. SGI® InfiniteStorage technology delivers optimal efficiency for storing, organizing, accessing and managing data. Combining these computing and storage technologies, SGI® Solutions for CFD enable design engineers and analysis professionals to deliver superior product design more quickly by providing:
Capability to do more complex analyses on a greater variety of fluid flow problems
Dramatic speed up in application run time
Optimized performance of CFD software applications
Access to critical data where and when it is needed, so the product development team can focus on creativity and innovation-not data management
Computational Electromagnetics (CEM) is an important tool for development of consumer products as well as for predicting and analyzing high-frequency radar signatures. These tools are utilized to evaluate interference reduction in electronic designs for component integration and compliance with FCC standards. The SGI® ICE™ product line based on Intel® Xeon® processors combined with our remote visualization solution SGI® VizServer® and storage technologies provide efficient and cost-effective simulation environments for these CEM applications, which enable engineering teams to improve product geometries and coating materials without having to perform experimentation on costly physical prototypes.
SGI solutions for CEM maximize computational throughput and enhance the engineer's understanding of the effects of various design and process changes. Visualization, and large shared memory can be integrated into a powerful solution tied together by a single, shared-file system that provides:
Capability to do more complex analyses on a greater variety of scenarios
Highest-resolution capabilities for simulations
Dramatic speedup in analysis time
Optimized performance of CEM software applications
Access to critical data where and when it is needed, so the engineering team can focus on creativity and innovation-not data management
SGI offers two complementary server architectures: the SGI® UV product line based on Intel® Xeon® series 7500 processors and the SGI® ICE product line based on Intel® Xeon® or AMD Opteron™ processors. SGI works closely with simulation software providers to ensure applications are optimized and parallelized for our servers. The large global shared-memory of architecture of the SGI UV product line delivers the scalability and performance required of complex physical modeling that includes plastic rupture, composites, and unique material properties The SGI UV servers deliver unmatched memory bandwidth for cluster performance and superior configuration flexibility for both capacity and capability. The SGI UV and ICE servers running on industry standard Linux® operating systems dominate real-world application tests and provide options for complex simutions. SGI® InfiniteStorage technology delivers optimal efficiency for storing, organizing, accessing and managing data. Combining these computing and storage technologies, SGI Solutions for CSM enable design engineers and analysis professionals to deliver superior product design more quickly by providing:
Capability to do more complex analyses on detailed components and subassemblies
Dramatic speed up in application run time
Significant reduction in costly engineering changes late in the design cycle
Optimized performance of CSM software applications
Access to critical data where and when it is needed, so the product development team can focus on creativity and innovation-not data management