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System Management

SGI Management Center combines discovery of cluster nodes and multicast provisioning to significantly shorten bare-metal provisioning time of large scale clusters. Provisioning uses the system configuration file to locate each server in the clustered system that requires a copy of the operating system. Multicast technology provisions servers in parallel - significantly decreasing downtime during maintenance periods.

  • Systems can be installed or updated in a matter of minutes instead of hours or days;

  • Single provisioning session at large scale - no need to break up cluster;

  • Archive multiple Linux operating system images that can be quickly provisioned on-demand.

Version-controlled image management is built into SGI Management Center. It tracks the changes to the Linux® operating system over time. These images in RPM format are easily deployed onto servers in the system. If problems arise after an operating system upgrade, the system can easily be returned to a known working states.

  • Run different Linux operating system versions on compute nodes to support users' application requirements;

  • Reduce the risk of upgrading to a new Linux operating system;

  • Easily revert back to the previously working software image if issues occur.

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